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发布时间:2020-05-21      作者:    点击:[]    分享到:



※必赢bwin网页版官网, 必赢bwin网页版官网,博士,讲师,副教授
※受教育经历:  1997/09- 2001/06. 必赢bwin网页版官网,生物系,学士;
※研究工作经历:2006/09-至今 必赢bwin网页版官网,必赢bwin网页版官网,讲师
2008/12-2011/2 美国杜克大学 生物系 访问学者




1 期刊论文:
·        Huang X, Wang J, Du Z, Zhang C, Li L, Xu ZQ. Enhanced resistance to stripe rust diseases in transgenic wheat expressing the rice chitinase gene RC24. Transgenic Res. DOI: 10.1007/s11248-013-9704-9 (SCI)
·        Xu D,Huang X,Xu ZQ,Michael Schläppi.  The HyPRP gene EARLI1 has an auxiliary role for germinability and early seedling development under low temperature and salt stress conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana. 2011, Planta, 234: 565-577 (SCI)
·        Xu ZQ,Huang X,Feng C,Tian N,Xu D, Feng SZ. Multicellular genesis of leaf primordium was demonstrated via chimaeric transgenic plant of maize (Zea mays L.) regenerated from Type II calli.2010, Mol Biol Rep, 37:3525-3531 (SCI)
·        Dong SS, Huang X, Qian ZQ, Zhou TH, Li Shan, Zhao GF. Isolation and characterization of 14 dinucleotide microsatellite loci in the endangered herb Saruma henryi Oliv. (Aristolochiaceae), 2009, Conservation Genet Resour, 1:221-224 (SCI)
·        Wang J, Tian N ,Huang X , Chen LY , Schläppi M, Xu ZQ*.The tall fescue turf grass class I chitinase gene FaChit1 is activated by fungal elicitors, dehydration, ethylene, and mechanical wounding. 2009, Plant Mol Biol Rep, 27:305-314 (SCI)
·        姚静雯, 李颖, 徐玮婷, 亢雅宸, 黄萱*. 白背三七的组织培养和高频再生.2012,植物生理学报,48(11):1091-1097
·        姚静雯,冯欢,袁玉川,黄萱*,尉亚辉*.草原毒草变异黄芪的研究进展.2013, 中国草地学报,3.
2 会议论文:
·         黄萱,陈立余,王建,徐子勤.基因枪介导转RC24基因小麦的获得及分子检测中国细胞生物学学会第九次会员代表大会暨青年学术大会论文摘要集. 中国广州,2007,11.
·         Schlappi M, Xu D, Huang X, Xu ZQ. The HyPRP gene EARLI1 has an auxiliary role for germinability and early seedling development under low temperature and salt stress conditions (presentation). The 22nd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Madison, Wisconsin, June, 2011.
3 专利:
·       黄萱  徐子勤. 一种通过悬浮培养提高鞑靼荞麦不定芽分化率的方法 2012.9 中国 ZL 201110238818.3
4 注册基因:(NCBI,Genbank):
小麦NBS—LRR类基因: AY520908;AY555270;AY550176