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发布时间:2020-05-21      作者:    点击:[]    分享到:


Tel:029-88304569(实验室) E-mail:cao2014@nwu.edu.cn


承担中药学本科《中药制剂分析实验》、《神经生物学》教学工作, 中药学本科大实习带教。主持教改项目1项,参与教改项目2项。指导国家级、省级及校级本科生创新创业训练计划项目数项。指导硕士研究生获得国家励志奖学金以及校级“学术达人”。


1. 任陕西省药学会药物安全评价研究专业委员会常务委员;
2. 任陕西省药理学会心血管分会委员;
3. 任四川省西部精神医学协会精神药学专委会委员等。
4. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Phytotherapy Research, Journal of affective disorders, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, Drug Design, Archives of Pharmacal Research; Journal of
Pharmacological Sciences; Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Pharmacology等国际期刊审稿人。


1. 入选必赢bwin网页版官网“优秀青年学术骨干支持计划”
2. 主持国家自然科学基金 “SNARE蛋白在产前应激子代大鼠抑郁样行为中的作用机制研究”(31600822),2017-2019。
3. 主持陕西省科技厅自然科学基础研究计划项目面上项目“芍药苷的抗抑郁作用及机制研究” (2020JM-440),2020-2021.
4. 主持陕西省科技厅自然科学基础研究计划项目青年“SNAP-25在产前应激子代大鼠抑郁样行为中的作用机制研究” (2016JQ8059),2016-2018。
5. 主持陕西省教育厅重点实验室计划项目“PKCγ基因对PNS引起子代学习记忆下降的作用” (15JS107),2015-2017。
6. 主持陕西省教育厅科研支持计划项目“SNARE蛋白磷酸化在产前应激子代大鼠抑郁样行为中的作用机制研究” (140890028),2016-2018。
7. 主持西部资源生物与现代技术教育部重点实验室“开放研究基金”淫羊藿苷对产前应激子代大鼠学习记忆损伤的改善作用及机制研究 (ZSK2019001),2019-2020。
8. 主持必赢bwin网页版官网校内科研基金项目 “NMDA受体对PNS引起子代学习记忆下降的作用研究” (14NW14),2014-2016。
9. 主持必赢bwin网页版官网科研启动基金“谷氨酸受体在产前应激子代大鼠抑郁样行为中的作用机制研究”,2014-2016。
10. 作为团队主要成员参与其他国家自然科学基金及省级基金5项。


1. Xingxing Zheng, Kaiyuan Zhang, Yingchun Li, Yiwei Chen, Yisong Yue, Sizhe Xia, Yang Li, Huanhuan Deng, Huiling Jing, Yanjun Cao*. 2020. Imperatorin ameliorates learning and memory deficits through BDNF/TrkB and ERK/CaMKIIα/CREB signaling in prenatally stressed female offspring. Phytotherapy Research. (Online).
2. Yajun Bai., Ying Sun, Jing. Xie, Bin Li, Yujun Bai, Dongxu Zhang, Jing Liang, Chaoni Xiao, Aiguo Zhong, Yanjun Cao*, Xiaohui Zheng*. The asarone-derived phenylpropanoids from the rhizome of Acorus calamus var. angustatus Besser. Phytochemistry, 2020. 170: 112212.
3. Xingxing Zheng, Yiwei Chen, Yisong Yue, Yingchun Li, Sizhe Xia, Yang Li, Huanhuan Deng, Jiao He, YanJun Cao*. 2019. Icariin ameliorates learning and memory impairments through ERK/CaMKIIalpha/CREB signaling and HPA axis in prenatally stressed female offspring. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 117: 109077.
4. Xingxing Zheng, Ying Cheng, Yiwei Chen, Yisong Yue, Yanjun Cao*. 2019. Ferulic acid improves depressive-like behavior in prenatally-stressed offspring rats via anti-Inflammatory activity and HPA axis. International Journal of molecular sciences, 20.493.
5. Yanjun Cao*, Qiong Wang, Xingxing Zheng, Ying Cheng, Yan Zhang. 2018. Involvement of SNARE Complex in the Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex of Offspring with Depression Induced by Prenatal Stress. Journal of Affective Disorders, 235, 374-383.
6. Yanjun Cao, Jiahui Liu, Qiong Wang, Minghui Liu, Ying Cheng, Zhongliang Zhu*. 2017. Antidepressive-like effect of imperatorin from Angelica dahurica in prenatally stressed offspring rats through 5-hydroxytryptamine system. Neuroreport, 28, 426-433.
7. Yanjun Cao, Yanmin Zhang, Junpeng Qi, RuiLiu, Han Zhang, Langchong He*. 2015. Ferulic acid inhibits H2O2-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in rat vascular smooth muscle cells via inhibition of the NADPH oxidase and NF-kappaB pathway. International Immunopharmacology, 28, 1018-1025.
8. Yanjun Cao#, Xu He, Nan Wang, Langchong He. 2013. Effects of imperatorin, the active component from Radix Angelicae (Baizhi), on the blood pressure and oxidative stress in 2K,1C hypertensive rats. Phytomedicine 20(12): 1048-54.
9. Yanjun Cao#, Yanmin Zhang, Nan Wang, Langchong He. 2014. Antioxidant effect of imperatorin from Angelica Dahurica in hypertension via inhibiting NADPH oxidase activation and MAPK pathway. The Journal of American Society Hypertension 8(8): 527-534.
10. Yanjun Cao#, Xu He, Feng Liu, Zhuangzhuang Huang, Yanmin Zhang. 2014. Chinese medicinal formula Guanxin Shutong capsule protects the heart against oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by ischemic myocardial injury in rats. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 7: 1033-1039.
11. Yanjun Cao#, Feng Liu, Zhuangzhuang Huang, Yanmin Zhang. 2014. Protective effects of Guanxin Shutong Capsule drug-containing serum on TNF-alpha-induced endothelial dysfunction through NADPH oxidase and NO pathway. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 8: 998-1004.
12. Zhang, Y., Y.J. Cao, Y.Z. Zhan, H.J. Duan, and H.L. Chong, Furanocoumarins-imperatorin inhibits myocardial hypertrophy both in vitro and in vivo. Fitoterapia, 2010. 81: p. 1188-1195.
13. Zhang , Y., Y.J. Cao , Q.L. Wang , L. Zheng , J. Zhang , and H.L. Chong, A potential calcium antagonist and its antihypertensive effects. Fitoterapia, 2011 82: p. 988-996.
14. Zhang, Y., Y.J. Cao, H.J. Duan, H.Y. Wang, and L.C. He, Imperatorin prevents cardiac hypertrophy and the transition to heart failure via NO-dependent mechanisms in mice. Fitoterapia, 2012. 83(1): p. 60-6.
15. Wang, N., L. Wu, Y. Cao, Y. Wang, and Y. Zhang, The protective activity of imperatorin in cultured neural cells exposed to hypoxia re-oxygenation injury via anti-apoptosis. Fitoterapia, 2013. 90: p. 38-43.
16. 郑星星, 刘嘉辉, 刘明辉, 程颖, 曹艳君*. 2019. 欧前胡素抗抑郁作用及机制研究. 中国药理学通报, 35, 101-105. (通讯作者,核心期刊)
17. Wang, Y., W. He, H. Zhang, Z. Yao, F. Che, Y.J Cao, and H. Sun, mGluR5 mediates ketamine antidepressant response in susceptible rats exposed to prenatal stress. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2020. 272: p. 398-408.


1. 第四届全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛一等奖、指导老师、2019年。
2. 第五届大学生“互联网+”创新创业大赛陕西赛区银奖、指导老师、2019年。
3. 第一届陕西省大学生生命科学竞赛三等奖、指导老师、2019年。
4. 第二届全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛一等奖、指导老师、2017年。
5. 第十二届“全国大学生药苑论坛”三等奖、指导老师、2019年。