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2019.4—至今      必赢bwin网页版官网                   教授                    陕西省高层次人才

2016.9—2019.3    中科院微生物所     副研究员          中科院青促会会员

2016.2—2016.8   中科院微生物所     助理研究员      课题组长:马旅雁 研究员

2014.4—2016.2    东卡罗莱纳大学     博士后               合作导师:黎永青 教授

2010.7—2014.3    中科院微生物所     助理研究员      课题组长:马旅雁 研究员

2005.9—2010.6     中国农业大学        博士                    导师:宋渊 教授


1. 科技部重大专项子课题,西北煤化工场地污染综合防治集成技术与工程示范,腐殖质与功能微生物载体吸附-生物强化耦合体系构建,主持;

2. 汉景帝阳陵博物馆科技考古项目, 汉阳陵陶俑衣物调查研究,主持;

3. 国际(地区)合作与交流项目,有机污染物降解微生物组的功能解析和微生物菌群3D打印技术,参加;

4. 中国科学院青促会会员资助,细菌单细胞机制研究,主持;

5. 农业生物技术国家重点实验室开发课题一等资助,阿维链霉菌中铁依赖调控因子 IdeR 的功能研究,主持;

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,铜绿假单胞菌胞外多糖Psl和第二信使c-di-GMP交互调控的分子机理,主持;

7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,铜绿假单胞菌胞外多糖和鼠李糖脂交互调控的分子机理,主持;

8. 国家留学基金委留学基金,细菌单细胞研究,主持;

9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,胞外蛋白在铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜中的作用,参与;

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,细菌生物被膜形成新因子及相应机制和耐受策略的解析,参与;

11. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 铜绿假单胞菌氧化应激转录因子OxyR结构与功能的研究,参与;

12. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,改造产氢酶提高光合深红红螺菌产氢能力的研究,参与;

13. 国家自然科学基金委员会科学部主任基金,铜绿假单胞菌氨肽酶对生物被膜发育及抗性的贡献,参与。

发表文章 (#共同第一,* 通讯作者)

1. Yanmei Sun#, Jia Gua#, Fu Wei, Xiaohui Chen, Meng Li, Chao Li, Size Xia, Guangming Zhang, Wencai You, Xin Cong, Tian Yu*, Shiwei Wang*. Microbial functional communities and the antibiotic resistome profile in a high-selenium ecosystem. Chemosphere 2022, 136858.

2. Weilan Miao#, Yuting Han#, Yingyu Yang, Ziwei Hao, Ning An, Jiayu Chen, Ziwen Zhang, Xuli Gao, Kenneth B. Storey, Hui Chang*, Shiwei Wang*. Dynamic changes in colonic structure and protein expression suggest regulatory mechanisms of colonic barrier function in torpor–arousal cycles of the Daurian ground squirrel. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022:23, 9026.

3. Ning Mao, Shuwen Xue, Guangming Zhang, Sizhe Xia, Xiaohui Chen, Wencai You, Yanmei Sun, Lixin Shen*, Shiwei Wang*. Crude oil degradation in oilfield produced water by immobilized microbes and oil recovery improvement after its reinjection. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2022:173, 105452.

4. He Li, Yue Fei, Shuwen Xue, Gege Zhang, Ziqi Bian, Fanfan Guo, Li Wang, Ruiqing Chai, Shuqi Zhang, Zhenyu Cu, Shiwei Wang*, Jun Zhang*. Removal of antimony in wastewater by antimony-tolerant sulfate-reducing bacteria isolated from municipal sludge. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022: 23(3), 1594.

5. Shuwen Xue, Yanhong Zhao, Chunling Zhou, Guangming Zhang, Fulin Chen*, Shiwei Wang*. Improving oil recovery of the heterogeneous low permeability reservoirs by combination of polymer hydrolysis polyacrylamide and two highly biosurfactant-producing bacteria. Sustainability 2022, 14(1), 423.

6. Weina Kong#, Qianqian Tian#, Qiaoli Yang, Yu Liu, Gongting Wang, Yanjun Cao, Liping Wang, Sizhe Xia, Yanmei Sun, Cheng Zhao, Shiwei Wang*. Sodium selenite enhances the antibiotics sensitivity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and deceases its pathogenicity by inducing oxidative stress and inhibiting quorum sensing system. Antioxidants 2021:10(12), 1873.

7. Shiwei Wang, Yuqi Feng, Xiaofeng Han, Xinyu Cai, Liu Yang, Chaolan Liu, Lixin Shen*. Wogonin inhibited virulence and biofilm formation to attenuate pathogenicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 by targeting pqs quorum sensing system. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021:22(23), 12699.

8. Rahman Mujeeb u., Weixiao Wang, Qingqing Sun, Junaid A. Shah, Chao Li, Yanmei Sun, Yuanrui Li, Bailing Zhang, Wei Chen, Shiwei Wang*. Endolysin, a Promising Solution against Antimicrobial Resistance. Antibiotics 2021:10(11),1277.

9. Lixin Shen, Lang Gao, Mengjiao Yang, Jian Zhang, Yulu Wang, Yuqi Feng, Liping Wang, Shiwei Wang*. Deletion of the PA4427-PA4431 operon of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 increased antibiotics resistance and reduced virulence and pathogenicity by affecting quorum sensing and iron uptake. Microorganisms 2021: 9(5),1065.

10. Yanmei Sun#, Wei Chen#, Shiwei Wang*, Xiaoli Cao*. Co-occurrence of fosA5, blaSHV-145 and blaOXA-48 among a Klebsiella pneumoniae high-risk ST16 from a tertiary hospital in China: focusing on the phylogeny of OXA-48 genes from global Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 2021:52(4),2559-2563.

11. Weina Kong#, Cheng Zhao#, Xingwang Gao, Liping Wang, Qianqian Tian, Yu Liu, Shuwen Xue, Zhuang Han, Fulin Chen*, Shiwei Wang*. Characterization and transcriptome analysis of a long-chain n-alkane-degrading strain Acinetobacter pittii sw-1. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021:18,6365.

12. 耿直,王利平,冯玉琦,孙艳梅,王世伟*,沈立新。高聚硒植物堇业碎米荠内生菌分离鉴定及硒代谢能力研究。农业生物技术学报 2021: 29(9)

13. Yanmei Sun#, Guang Guo#, Fang Tian, Huihai Chen, Weijie Liu, Meng Li*, Shiwei Wang*. Antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial community on the surface of five cultivars of fresh tomatoes in China. Ecotoxicology 2020: (1),1-9.

14. Weiyi Liu#, Fang Wang#, Yanmei Sun#, Lei Yang, Huihai Chen, Weijie Liu, Bin Zhu, Chaomao Hui*, Shiwei Wang* Influence of dragon bamboo with different planting patterns on microbial community and physicochemical property of soil at sunny and shady slopes. Journal of Microbiology 2020:12275,82-88.

15. Shiwei Wang#, Qiuqiu Hou#, Qianqian Guo, Jian Zhang, Yanmei Sun, Hong Wei*, Lixin Shen*. Isolation and characterization of a deoxynivalenol-degrading bacterium Bacillus licheniformis YB9 with the capability of modulating intestinal microbial flora of mice. Toxins. 2020:12(3),184.

16. Yulu Wang#, Liyue Wang#, Jian Zhang, Xintong Duan, Yuqi Feng, Shiwei Wang*, Lixin Shen*. PA0335, a novel gene encoding histidinol phosphate phosphatase mediates histidine auxotrophy in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2020: 86(5), e02593-19

17. Nana Lu, Yanmei Sun, Qingqin Wang, Yi Qiu, Zhi Chen, Ying Wen, Shiwei Wang*, Yuan Song*. Cloning and characterization of endolysin and holin from Streptomyces avermitilis bacteriophage phiSASD1 as potential novel antibiotic candidates. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2020:147, 980–989.

18. Guang Guo, Fang Tian, Maomao Tang, Weijie Liu, Cong Liu, Shuwen Xue, Weina Kong, Yanmei Sun*, Shiwei Wang*. Aerobic decolorization and detoxification of Acid Scarlet GR by a newly isolated salt-tolerant yeast strain Galactomyces geotrichum GG. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2019:145,104818.

19. Nana Lu, Choljin Kim, Zhi Chen, Ying Wen, Qing Wei, Yi Qiu, Shiwei Wang*, Yuan Song*. Characterization and genome analysis of a temperate bacteriophage φSAJS1 of Streptomyces avermitilis. Virus Research 2019: 265,34-42.

20. Lin He#, Shiwei Wang#, Marta Cortesão, Muying Wu, Ralf Moeller, Peter Setlow, Yong-qing Li. Single-cell analysis reveals novel insights in the spore resistance to simulated space vacuum. NPJ Microgravity 2018:4,26.

21. Shiwei Wang#, Haifeng Li#, Zhijian Li, Yanmei Sun, Jinshui Wang, Meng Li. Fitness of Jiaozi starter for steamed bread production using a two- stage procedure. Food Science and Nutrition 2018:00,1–8.

22. Yanmei Sun#, Shiwei Wang#, Junfeng Niu*. Microbial community evolution of black and stinking rivers during in situ remediation through micro-nano bubble and submerged resin floating bed technology. Bioresource Technology 2018:258,187-194.

23. Lin He#, Zhan Chen#, Shiwei Wang#, Muying Wu, Peter Setlow, and Yong-qing Li*. Germination, outgrowth and vegetative growth kinetics of dry heat-treated individual spores of Bacillus species. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2018:84, e02618-17.

24. Shiwei Wang, Jason Brunt, Michael W. Peck, Peter Setlow and Yong-Qing Li*. Analysis of the Germination of Individual Clostridium sporogenes Spores With and Without Germinant Receptors and Cortex-Lytic Enzymes. Frontiers in Microbiology 2017:8,2047.

25. Shiwei Wang, Barbara Setlow, Peter Setlow, Yong-qing Li*. Uptake and levels of the antibiotic berberine in individual dormant and germinating Clostridium difficile and Bacillus cereus spores as measured by laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2016:71(6),1540-6.

26. Shiwei Wang, Christopher J. Doona, Peter Setlow, Yong-qing Li*. Characterization of cold atmospheric plasma inactivation of individual bacterial spores using Raman spectroscopy and phase contrast microscopy. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2016:82,5775-5784.

27. Shiwei Wang, James Faeder, Peter Setlow, Yong-qing Li*. Memory of germinant stimuli in bacterial spores. mBio 2015:6(6), e01859-15.

28. Shiwei Wang, Jing Yu, Peter Setlow, Yong-qing Li*. Uptake of and resistance to the antibiotic berberine by individual dormant, germinating and outgrowing Bacillus spores as monitored by laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy. PLoS One 2015:10(12),e0144183.

29. Shiwei Wang, Peter Setlow, Yong-qing Li*. Slow leakage of Ca-dipicolinic acid from individual Bacillus spores during initiation of spore germination. Journal of Bacteriology 2015:197(6),1095-103.

30. Shiwei Wang, Aimee Shen, Peter Setlow, Yong-qing Li*. Characterization of the dynamic germination of individual Clostridium difficile spores using Raman spectroscopy and differential interference contrast microscopy. Journal of Bacteriology 2015:197(14),2361-73.

31. Shiwei Wang, Xi Liu, Hongsheng Liu, Li Zhang, Yuan Guo, Shan Yu, Daniel J. Wozniak, Luyan Z. Ma*. The exopolysaccharide Psl-eDNA interaction enables the formation of a biofilm skeleton in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Environmental Microbiology Report 2015:7(2),330-340.

32. Shiwei Wang, Shan Yu, Xi Liu, Zhenyin Zhang, Qing Wei, Lu Yan, Guoming Ai, Hongsheng Liu, Luyan Z. Ma*. Coordination of swarming motility, biosurfactant synthesis, and biofilm matrix exopolysaccharide production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2014:80(21),6724-32.  

33. Shiwei Wang, Matthew R. Parsek, Daniel J. Wozniak, Luyan Z. Ma* A spider web strategy of type IV pili-mediated migration to build a fiber-like Psl polysaccharide matrix in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. Environmental Microbiology 2013:15(8),2238-2253.

34. Shiwei Wang, Xuewei Qiao, Xiaoxi Liu, Chao Wang, Xuejin Zhao, Zhi Chen, Ying Wen, and Yuan Song*. Complete genomic sequence analysis of the temperate bacteriophage phiSASD1 of Streptomyces avermitilis. Virology 2010:403(1),78-84.

35. Zisheng Guo,Bin Zhu, Jia Guo, Gongting Wang, Meng Li, Qiaoli Yang, Liping Wang, Yue Fei, Shiwei Wang, Tian Yu, Yanmei Sun. Impact of selenium on rhizosphere microbiome of a hyperaccumulation plant Cardamine violifolia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022: .

36. Jie Pan, Shiwei Wang, Changqing Yu, Liping Li, Zhuhong You, Yanmei Sun. A Novel Ensemble Learning-Based Computational Method to Predict Protein-Protein Interactions from Protein Primary Sequences. 2022:11(5)775.

37. Wei Chen, Zhiliang Hu, Shiwei Wang, Doudou Huang,Weixiao Wang, Xiaoli Cao, Kai Zhou. Characterization of a Clinical Enterobacter hormaechei Strain Belonging to Epidemic Clone ST418 Co-Carrying blaNDM-1, blaIMP-4, and mcr-9.1. Microbial Drug Resistance 2022:28,2.

38. Guang Guo#, Fang Tian#, Liping Zhang, Keqiang Ding, Feng Yang, Zhixin Hu, Chong Liu, Yanmei Sun*, Shiwei Wang. Effect of salinity on removal performance in hydrolysis acidification reactors treating textile wastewater. Bioresource Technology 2020:313,123652.

39. Tian Yu#, Jia Guo#, Song Zhu, Meng Li, Zhenzhou Zhu, Shuiyuan Cheng, Shiwei Wang, Yanmei Sun* and Xin Cong*. Protective effects of selenium-enriched peptides from cardamine violifolia against high-fat diet induced obesity and its associated metabolic disorders in mice. RSC Advances, 2020:10,31411.

40. Weijie Liu, Ying Chen, Xuge Zhou, Jiawen Liu, Jingrong Zhu, Shiwei Wang, Cong Liu, Di Sun*. The cyclic AMP receptor protein, Crp, is required for the decolorization of acid yellow 36 in Shewanella putrefaciens CN32. Frontier in Microbiology. 2020:11.

41. Zhaohui Wang, Yang Li, Bing Hou,  Mira I. Pronobis, Mingqiao Wang, Yuemeng Wang, Guangcun Cheng, Weining Weng, Yiqiang Wang, Yanfang Tang, Xuefan Xu, Rong Pan, Fei Lin, Nan Wang, Ziqing Chen, Shiwei Wang, et al. An array of 60,000 antibodies for proteome-scale antibody generation and target discovery. Science Advances. 2020:6(11), eaax2271.

42. Wei Chen, Lili Huang, Qiusha Tang, Shiwei Wang, Chunmei Hu*, Xia Zhang*. Central Nervous System Tuberculosis: Challenge and Perspective. Radiology of Infectious Disease 2020.

43. Guang Guo#, Fang Tian#, Liping Zhang, Keqiang Ding, Feng Yang, Zhixin Hu, Chong Liu, Yanmei Sun*, Shiwei Wang. Effect of salinity on removal performance in hydrolysis acidification reactors treating textile wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 2020:313,123652.

44. Weijie Liu, Zhen Dong, Di Sun, Qinxin Dong, Shiwei Wang, Jingrong Zhu, Cong Liu*.  Production of bioflocculant using feather waste as nitrogen source and its use in recycling of straw ash-washing wastewater with low-density and high pH property. Chemosphere. 2020:252,126495.

45. Anming Xu, Di Wang, Yichen Ding, Yaqian Zheng, Bo Wang, Qing Wei, Shiwei Wang, Liang Yang, Luyan Zulie Ma. Integrated comparative genomic analysis and phenotypic profiling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from crude oil. Frontiers in Microbiology 2020:11,519.

46. Qing Wei, Pramod Bhasme, Zhiguo Wang, Li Wang, Shiwei Wang, Yunfei Zeng, Yi Wang, Yan Li*, Luyan Z Ma*. Chinese medicinal herb extract inhibits PQS-mediated quorum sensing system in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2020:248,112272.

47. Qing Wei, Sebastien Leclercq, Pramod Bhasme, Anming Xu, Bin Zhu, Yuhuan Zhang, Miaokun Zhang, Shiwei Wang, Luyan Ma. Systemic phylogenetic and transcriptomic analyses reveal diguanylate cyclases and phosphodiesterases required for the basal level of c-di-GMP in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2019:85,e01194-19.

48. Weijie Liu#, Zhen Dong#, Di Sun, Ying Chen, Shiwei Wang, Jingrong Zhu, Cong Liu*. Bioconversion of kitchen wastes into bioocculant and its pilot-scale application in treating iron mineral processing wastewater. Bioresource Technology 2019:288,121505.

49. Fang Tian, Guang Guo*, Can Zhang*, Feng Yang, Zhixin Hua, Chong Liu, Shiwei Wang. Isolation, cloning and characterization of an azoreductase and the effect of salinity on its expression in a halophilic bacterium. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2019:123,1062–1069.

50. Guang Guo, Fang Tian, Can Zhang, Tingfeng Liu, Feng Yang, Zhixin Hu, Chong Liu, Shiwei Wang, Keqiang Ding. Performance of a newly enriched bacterial consortium for degrading and detoxifying azo dyes. Water Science and Technology 2019:79(11), 2036-2045.

51. Peter Setlow*, Shiwei Wang, Yong-qing Li. Germination of spores of the orders Bacillales and Clostridiales. Annual Review of Microbiology 2017:71,459-77.

52. Xi Liu, Shiwei Wang, Anming Xu, Li Zhang, Hongsheng Liu, Luyan Z. Ma. Biological Synthesis of High-conductive Protein Nanowires in Aerobic Bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2019. 103, 1535–1544.

53. Weijie Liu, Yanting You, Di Sun, Shiwei Wang, Jingrong Zhu, Cong Liu. Decolorization and detoxification of water-insoluble Sudan dye by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 co-cultured with Bacillus circulans BWL1061. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2018:166, 11–17.

54. Yaqing Cheng, Renjun Yang, Xingchao Liu, Mengya Lu, Shiwei Wang, Ying Wen, Yuan Song, Jilun Li, Zhi Chen*. IdeR, a DtxR-family iron-response regulator, controls iron homeostasis, morphological differentiation, secondary metabolism, and oxidative stress response in Streptomyces avermitilis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2018:84 (22),e01503-18.

55. Yang Lü, Hua Lu, Shiwei Wang, Jing Han, Hua Xiang, and Cheng Jin*. An acidic exopolysaccharide from Haloarcula hispanica ATCC33960 and two genes responsible for its synthesis. Archaea 2017:10,5842958.

56. Yi Qiu, Shiwei Wang, Zhi Chen, Yajie Guo, Yuan Song*. An active type I-E CRISPR-Cas system identified in Streptomyces avermitilis. PLoS One 2016:11(2), e0149533.

57. Luz del Carmen Huesca-Espitia, milomir suvira, Kayla Rosenbeck, George Korza, barbara setlow, William Li, Shiwei Wang, Yong-qing Li, Peter Setlow*. Effects of steam autoclave treatment on Geobacillus stearothermophilus Spores. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2016:121(5),1300-1311.

58. Christopher Doona, Florence Feeherry, Barbara Setlow, Shiwei Wang, William Li, Frank C. Nichols, Prabhat K. Talukda, Mahfuzur R. Sarker, Yong-qing Li, Aimee Shen, Peter Setlow*. Effects of high-pressure treatment on spores of Clostridium species. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2016:82(17),5287-97.

59. Xuejin Zhao, Qingxin Wang, Weiqun Guo, Yujuan Cai, Chao Wang, Shiwei Wang, Shuangyun Xiang, Yuan Song*. Overexpression of metK shows different effects on avermectin production in various Streptomyces avermitilis strains. World Journal Microbiology Biotechnology 2013:10,1869-1875.

60. Luyan Ma*, Shiwei Wang, Di Wang, Matthew R. Parsek, and Daniel J. Wozniak. The roles of biofilm matrix polysaccharide Psl in mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. FEMS Immunology and Medicine Microbiology 2012:65(2),377-380.

61. Luyan Ma*, Juan Wang, Shiwei Wang, Erin M. Anderson, Joseph S. Lam, Matthew R. Parsek and Daniel J. Wozniak. Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm matrix exopolysaccharides is post-transcriptionally regulated. Environmental Microbiology 2012:14(8):1995-2005.

62. Xuejin Zhao, Yuanxin Wang, Shiwei Wang, Zhi Chen, Ying Wen, and Yuan Song*. Construction of a doramectin producer mutant from an avermectin-overproducing industrial strain of Streptomyces avermitilis, Canadian Journal of Microbiology 2009:55, 1355-1363.

63. Juan Du, Shiwei Wang, Ping Yu, Yuan Song*, Chao Wang, and Xuejin Zhao. Combined effects of glycerol and sodium glutamate on color value improvement of a Monascus mutant. China Brewing 2008:23,56-58. (Chinese Journal)


马旅雁*, 王世伟,张真印,杨霁舟 (2012) 第一章:生物被膜的形成机制, pp1-34。《细菌生物被膜与感染》(周学东,施文元主编)人民医学出版社,北京,中国。


1. 肠杆菌和菌剂以及其应用。孙艳梅,王利平,魏福,夏思哲,郭子晟,王世伟。公开(公告)号:CN114717160A

2. 高效抑菌鼠李糖脂高产菌株及其应用。 马旅雁*王世伟王迪杨新平


3. 一株适用于油藏环境的假单胞菌及其应用。马旅雁*王世伟 王迪杨新平。公开号: CN103215207A

4. 提高鼠李糖脂产量的方法及其专用铜绿假单胞菌。马旅雁*王世伟公开号 CN104099388A

5. 韩国芽孢八叠球菌CGMCC No. 5915 应用及脂肽类表面活性素制备方法和组合物。王世伟,李萌,孙艳梅,刘伟杰,陈慧海,黎永青。专利号: 2017.11277766.1

6. 用于抑制/瓦解生物被膜的抑制剂及其应用。马旅雁*、谷立川、于珊、吴慧君、王世伟、苏甜甜、王迪、杨亮。专利号201510112746.6

7. 用于抑制/瓦解生物被膜的抑制剂及其应用。马旅雁*、王世伟、于珊、吴慧君、王迪。国际专利号:PCT/CN2016/076171PUS15/557,812

8. 一种构建高产鼠李糖脂菌株的方法。马旅雁*王世伟。申请号:201410331685.8

9. 一种促进固氮细菌形成胞囊结构的方法及其专用培养基。 马旅雁*、王迪、王世伟、徐安明。专利号:201710034031.2

10. 导电四型菌毛及其编码基因和含有该基因的载体和相应的生产菌株及其应用。 马旅雁,刘茜,王世伟。专利号:201810555794.6