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21世纪微生物学实验教学新内容与新体系研究 (0202011),主持
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1. J. Liu, M. Jiang, Z.Li, X. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Hao, X. Su, J. Zhu, C. Zheng, W. Xiao and Y. Wang*. A Novel Systems Pharmacology Method to Investigate Molecular Mechanisms of Scutellaria barbata D. Don for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer[J]. Frontiers in pharmacology, 2018, 9. IF:3.831.
2. J. Liu, J. Liu, F. Shen, Z. Qin, M. Jiang, J. Zhu, Z. Wang, J. Zhou, Y. Fu, X. Chen, C. Huang, W. Xiao *, C. Zheng *, Y. Wang *. Systems pharmacology analysis of synergy of TCM: an example using saffron formula[J]. Scientific reports, 2018, 8(1): 380. IF:4.122
3. J. Liu, J. Zhu, J. Xue, Z. Qin, F. Shen, J. Liu, X. Chen, X. Li, Z. Wu, W. Xiao, C.Zheng*&Y.Wang*. In silico-based screen synergistic drug combinations from herb medicines: a case using Cistanche tubulosa[J]. Scientific reports, 2017, 7(1): 16364. IF: 4.122.
4. J. Liu, J. Mu, C. Zheng, X. Chen, Z. Guo, C. Huang, Y. Fu, G. Tian, H. Shang, Y. Wang*.Systems-Pharmacology Dissection of Traditional Chinese Medicine Reveal s Multi-scale Treatment Strategy for Cardiovascular diseases[J]. Scientific Reports. 2016; 6: 19809. doi: 10.1038/srep19809. IF: 5.228.
5. T. Pei, C. Zheng, C. Huang, X. Chen, Z. Guo, Y. Fu, J. Liu *, Y. Wang *. Systematic understanding the mechanisms of vitiligo pathogenesis and its treatment by Qubaibabuqi formula. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 2016, 190: 272-287. IF: 2.981
6. J. Liu, T. Pei, J. Mu, C. Zheng, X. Chen, C. Huang, Y. Fu, Z. Liang, Y. Wang*. Systems Pharmacology Uncovers the Multiple Mechanisms of Xijiao Dihuang Decoction for the Treatment of Viral Hemorrhagic Fever[J]. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2016 (2016) doi: 10.1155/2016/9025036. IF: 1.88.
7. J. Liu, K. Sun, C. Zheng, X. Chen, W. Zhang, Z. Wang, S. Ali, W. Xiao *, Y. Wang *. Pathway as a Pharmacological Target for Herbal Medicines: An Investigation from Reduning Injection[J]. PLOS ONE. 2015 Apr 1;10(4). IF: 3.234.
8. C. Zheng, J. Wang, J. Liu, M. Pei , C. Huang, Y. Wang *. Systems-level Multi-target Drug Discovery from Natural Products with Applications to Cardiovascular Diseases[J]. J Ethnopharmacol. 2014, 18(3):621-635.IF: 2.998.
9. J. Liu, M. Pei, Y. Wang*. A Systems-Pharmacology Analysis of Herbal Medicines.Used in Health Improvement Treatment: Predicting Potential New Drugs and Targets[J]. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2013, (938764):1-17. IF: 1.88.
10. J. Liu, M. Liu, Y. Yao, J. Wang, Y. Li, G. Li, Y. Wang*. Identification of novel potential β-N-Acetyl-D-hexosaminidase inhibitors by virtual screening, molecular dynamics simulation and MM-PBSA calculations[J]. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 13(4):4545-4563, 2012. IF: 2.862.
11. F. Wang, M. Liu, J. Liu*. In silico prediction of inhibitory effects of pyrazol-5-one and indazole derivatives on GSK3 beta kinase enzyme[J]. J. Mol. Struct. 1024:94-103, 2012. IF: 1.602.
12. J. Liu, Y. Lei, F. Wang, Y. Yi, Y. Liu, Y. Wang*. Immunostimulatory activities of specific bacterial secondary metabolite of anoxybacillus flavithermus strain SX-4 on carp[J. Cyprinus carpio. J. Appl. Microbiol. 110(4):1056-1064, 2011. IF: 2.479.
13. J. Liu, F. Wang, Z. Ma, X. Wang, Y. Wang*. Structural determination of three different series of compounds as Hsp90 inhibitors using 3D-QSAR modeling, molecular docking and molecular dynamics methods[J]. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 12(2):946-970, 2011. IF: 2.862.
14. J. Liu, H. Zhang, Z. Xiao, F. Wanf, X. Wang, Y. Wang*. Combined 3D-QSAR, molecular docking and molecular dynamics study on derivatives of peptide epoxyketone and tyropeptin-boronic acid as inhibitors against β5 subunit of human 20S proteasome[J]. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 12(3):1807-1835, 2011. IF: 2.862.
15. Y. Liu, Z. Liang*. Chen, D. Yang, J. Liu. Elicitation of alkaloids in vitro PLB (protocorm-like body) cultures of Pinellia ternate[J]. Enz. Microb .Tech. 2010 (46): 28–31. IF: 2.322.
16. Y. Liu, Z. Liang*, J. Liu. Use of protocorm-like bodies for studying alkaloid metabolism in Pinellia ternate[J]. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult. 2009, 46(1): 28-31. IF: 2.125.
17. Y. Liu, Z. Liang*, J. Liu. L C Fingerprinting for Assessment of the Quality of the Lipophilic Components of Salvia miltiorrhiza[J]. Chromatographia. 2009, 69 (5-6): 555-560. IF: 1.411.
1. J. Liu, C. Zheng, Y. Wang*.Perspective: Systems Pharmacology Strategy for Investigation of Antioxidant Drugs and Its Mechanisms of Action[J]. Journal of Bioequivalence & Bioavailability. 2014: 6(2):1-3.


1. 2016年9月获必赢bwin网页版官网优秀教师称号。
2. 2015年获教学成果二等奖。