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2008-至今: 必赢bwin网页版官网必赢bwin网页版官网西部资源生物与现代生物技术省部共建教育部重点实验室














Li Zhang, Ruolin Wu, Luis A. J. Mur, Chenchen Guo, Xuan Zhao, Huizhen Meng, Di Yan, Xiuhong Zhang, Huirui Guan, Guodong Han, Bin Guo, Fangzheng Yue, Yahui Wei, Peng Zhao,Wei He. Assembly of high-quality genomes of the locoweed Oxytropis ochrocephala and its endophyte Alternaria oxytropis provides new evidence for their symbiotic relationship and swainsonine biosynthesis. Molecular Ecology Resources 2022. 00: 1-20

Fu YP, Niu F, Jia H, Wang YL, Guo B, Wei YH. Reference gene selection for real-time quantitative PCR assays in different tissues of Huperzia serrata based on full-length transcriptome sequencing. ASPB, 2021, 5(11), 1-13, https://doi.org/10.1002/pld3.362

Xin Liu, Huirui Guan, Tianshu Wang, Dian Meng, Youfeng Yang, Jiakun Dai, Na Fan, Bin Guo, Yanping Fu, Wei He (correspondence author), Yahui Wei. ScPNP-A, a plant natriuretic peptide from Stellera chamaejasme, confers multiple stress tolerances in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol Bioch, 2020, 149: 132-143

Guo Bin, Ren JY, He MN, Yao K, Wang TS, Wang LQ, Liu X , He W , Fu YP, Wang DL, and Wei YH. Development of polymorphic simple sequence repeat markers in Huperzia serrata (Lycopodiaceae). App Plant Sci. 2019, 7:1-4

Huirui Guan, Xin Liu, Fei Niu, Qianqian Zhao, Na Fan, Duo Cao, Dian Meng, Wei He, Bin Guo, Yahui Wei and Yanping Fu. OoNAC72, a NAC-type Oxytropis ochrocephala transcription factor, conferring enhanced drought and salt stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci, 2019, 10:1-14

Xin Liu, Huirui Guan, Min Song, Yanping Fu, Xiaomin Han, Meng Lei, Jingyu Ren,Bin Guo, Wei He and Yahui Wei. Reference gene selection for qRT-PCR assays in Stellera chamaejasme subjected to abiotic stresses and hormone treatments based on transcriptome datasets (2018), Peer J, DOI 10.7717/peerj.4535

Guo B,  He W, Zhao Y, Wu YD, Fu YP, Guo J, Wei YH. Changes in endogenous hormones and H2O2 burst during shoot organogenesis in TDZ-treated Saussurea involucrate explants. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 2017, 128:1-8

He W, Guo B, Fan PH, Guo LZ, Wei YH. In vitro propagation of a poisonous plant Oxytropisglabra (Lam.) DC. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 2015, 120:49–55

Guo B, Amanda R. Stiles, Liu CZ. Low-temperature preincubation enhances survival and regeneration of cryopreserved Saussureainvolucrata callus. In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.—Plant. 2013, 49:320–325

Guo B, He W, Wu DC, Che DL, Fan PH, Xu LL, Wei YH. Proteomic analysis of tomato (Lycopersicumesculentum var. cerasifarm ) expressing the HBsAg gene by 2-dimensional difference Gele electrophoresis. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 2013, 68:424-429

Guo B, Stiles Amanda R, Liu C. Changes in endogenous hormones and oxidative burst as the biochemical basis for enhanced shoot organogenesis in cold-treated Saussureainvolucrata explants. Acta Physiol Plant. 2013, 35:283-287

Zheng-jun Guan & Bin Guo& Yan-linHuo& Zheng-ping Guan &Jia-kun Dai &Ya-hui Wei. Recent advances and safety issues of transgenic plant-derived vaccines. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2013, 97:2817–2840

Guo B, Xu LL, Guan ZJ et al. Effect of Lanthanum on rooting of In Vitro regenerated shoots of Saussureainvolucrata Kar. etKir.Biol Trace Elem Res. 2012, 147:1-3

Guo B, Haider Abbasi B, Zeb A et al. Thidiazuron: A multi-dimensional plant growth regulator. Afr J Biotechnol. 2011, 10 (45) 8984-9000

Guo B, Abbasi BH, Wei YH. Effects of hypobaric growth conditions on morphogenic potential and antioxidative enzyme activities in Saussureainvolucrata. Biol Plantarum. 2011, 55: 783-787

Guo B, Chen Q, Guan ZJ et al. Expression of HBsAg in tomatoes resulted in abnormal shoot regeneration in vitro. Pak J Bot. 2012, 44(4): 1413-141

Guo B, Stiles Amanda R, Liu C. Thidiazuron enhances shoot organogenesis from leaf explants of Saussureainvolucrata Kar. etKir. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Plant. 2012, 48(6):609-612

Bao RS, Yin P, Guo B* et al. Effects of different media on the transplantation of Huperziaserrata (Thunb.) Trev. Afr J Agricul Res. 2012, 7(20): 3045-3048

Guan ZJ, Guo B, Huo YL et al. Organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis in callus derived from HBsAg-transgenic tomato mutant. Can J Plant Sci. 2012, 92: 747-756

Guan ZJ, Guo B, Hao HY et al. Expression of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) gene in transgenic cherry tomato. Afr J Biotechnol. 2012, 11(28): 7186-7192

Guo B, Gao M, Liu CZ. In vitro propagation of an endangered medicinal plant Saussureainvolucrata Kar. etKir. Plant Cell Rep, 2007, 26 : 261-265

Guo B, Liu YG, Gao M, Yan Q, Liu CZ. Spectral composition of irradiation regulates the cell growth and flavonoids biosynthesis in callus cultures of Saussurea medusa Maxim. Plant Growth Regul, 2007, 52 : 259-263


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