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发布时间:2020-05-21      作者:    点击:[]    分享到:


必赢bwin网页版官网教授,博士生导师。发表论文70多篇,以第一作者在中国科学、Plant Science、Australian Journal of Plant Physiology、Journal of Plant Physiology、Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture等SCI期刊上发表论文多篇。提出“微管具有细胞内信号传递介质功能”的假说,发表于Acta Biotheoretica。2007年在科学出版社出版《功能基因组学》专著(88万字),该书全面总结了功能基因组学的基本原理以及国内外在基因功能研究领域的主流技术和最新发展趋势,可以为建立高通量和规模化基因功能研究体系提供参考。

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Tel: 029-88303484





Tian N, Wang J, Xu ZQ. Overexpression of Na+/H+ antiporter gene AtNHX1 from Arabidopsis thaliana improves the salt tolerance of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). S Afr J Bot, 2010, doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2010.07.010 (Online first)

Sheng QL, Wang J, Zheng JB, Xu ZQ, Zhang HF. Ultrasensitive electrical biosensing of syphilis DNA using target-guided formation of polyaniline based on enzyme-catalyzed polymerization. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010, 25:2071–2077

Chen LY, Chen QL, Xu D, Hao JG, Schläppi M, Xu ZQ. Changes of gentiopicroside synthesis during somatic embryogenesis in Gentiana macrophylla. Planta Medica, 2009, 75:1618-1624

Wang J, Tian N, Huang X, Chen LY, Schläppi M, Xu ZQ. The tall fescue turf grass Class I chitinase gene FaChit1 is activated by fungal elicitors, dehydration, ethylene, and mechanical wounding. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2009, 27:305–314

Wang J, Sheng QL, Tian N, Chen LY, Xu ZQ, Zheng JB. Electrochemical detection of the neomycin phosphotransferase gene (NPT-II) in transgenic plants with a novel DNA biosensor. J Appl Electrochem, 2009, 39:935–945

Chen LH, Zhang B, Xu ZQ. Salt tolerance conferred by overexpression of Arabidopsis vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene AtNHX1 in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum). Transgenic Research, 2008, 17:121-132

徐子勤编著. 功能基因组学. 2007,北京:科学出版社

Xu ZQ. Do MTs have the functions of message transmission? Acta Biotheoretica, 1998, 46:85-87

Xu ZQ, Jia JF. Regeneration of intergeneric somatic hybrids by protoplast fusion between Onobrychis viciaefolia and Medicago sativa. Science in China, Series C, 1997, 40: 363-370

Xu ZQ, Jia JF, Hu ZD. Enhancement by osmotic treatment of hairy root transformation of alfalfa suspension cultures and chromosomal variation in the transformed tissues. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 1997, 24: 345-351

Xu ZQ, Jia JF, Hu ZD. Somatic embryogenesis in Sesamum indicum L. cv nigrum. Journal of Plant Physiology, 1997, 150: 755-758

Xu ZQ, Jia JF. The reduction of chromosome number and the loss of regeneration ability during subculture of hairy root cultures of Onobrychis viciaefolia transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes A4. Plant Science, 1996, 120: 107-112

Xu ZQ, Jia JF. Callus formation from protoplasts of Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch and some factors influencing protoplast division. Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture, 1996, 44: 129-134

Xu ZQ, Jia JF. Plant regeneration from protoplasts of hydroxyproline resistant cell line in Onobrychis viciaefolia. Cell Research, 1995, 5: 187-195

徐子勤, 龚莉桂,黄萱,张永彦,高丽美. 采用玉米Ubi-1启动子获得低拷贝转基因玉米植株. 生物工程学报,2004,20:120-125

徐子勤,贾敬芬,郝建国,王英娟,冯淑珍. 玉米Ubi-1启动子在可育转基因玉米植株中的表达活性. 实验生物学报,2002,35(4):296-302

徐子勤,Becker D,Lörz H. 通过卡那霉素选择体系再生可育小麦转基因植株. 自然科学进展,2001,11:486-491

徐子勤,Becker D,Lörz H. 质粒DNA物理形态和其它因素对获得可育转基因小麦的影响. 实验生物学报,2001,34(3):183-189







